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Most of my clients have asked me where the bottom of the market is. My response to them is "I don't have a crystal ball". I recommend we go and talk to the palm reader down the street at least she can see the future. Maybe the answer is in the bible, book of revelations. Maybe, and this might be a stretch, but maybe, one mans bottom is another mans top. I think people with brains are locking in deals now, leases and sales, because we are in the midst of a perfect storm. We have very low financing, even owner financing for sales, and virtually no credit checks for tenants getting free rent and landlord funded improvements. Buyers and Tenants are making a killing right now. Landlords and Sellers are getting worked over. So my suggestion is, if you cant beat them, and you cant. Then join them. Become a buyer or tenant. You will have more success in this market. Have fun.

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Posted by Brandon Koplin in , ,

Most of my clients have asked me where the bottom of the market is. My response to them is "I don't have a crystal ball". I recommend we go and talk to the palm reader down the street at least she can see the future. Maybe the answer is in the bible, book of revelations. Maybe, and this might be a stretch, but maybe, one mans bottom is another mans top. I think people with brains are locking in deals now, leases and sales, because we are in the midst of a perfect storm. We have very low financing, even owner financing for sales, and virtually no credit checks for tenants getting free rent and landlord funded improvements. Buyers and Tenants are making a killing right now. Landlords and Sellers are getting worked over. So my suggestion is, if you cant beat them, and you cant. Then join them. Become a buyer or tenant. You will have more success in this market. Have fun.

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